Request Differences Between v3 and v4

This page covers the new and removed XML elements/attributes between our v3 SMS API and our Global (v4) SMS API.

If you're currently using our v3 API, then this information is for you. If you're new to OpenMarket, see the Overview to find out how to connect to us.

Changes to terms used

The Global SMS API includes some new conceptual terms and changes to the terms we use in requests.

New terms:

  • Message originators —This is our term for the text-able numbers (or alphanumeric strings) you use to send and receive messages.
  • Interaction — Interactions identifies whether your messaging is one-way or two-way.
  • Mobile operators — We have changed from using the term "carrier" to "mobile operator". This term is better understood globally.

Terms with altered meanings:

  • type — This no longer refers to the type of request. Instead, it identifies whether the message is text, hexadecimal-encoded text, binary, or WAP Push.

We no longer use the following terms:

  • charge types — You do not need to include a charge type in your message requests. However, OpenMarket reporting will continue to use this naming in the short term.
  • text and data — In MT and MO requests, the content of the message is no longer identified using text or data. This is now identified using content.
  • purpose — A new term, promotional, replaces purpose.

Mobile Terminate (MT) message requests


The endpoint for v4 message requests is:


There are no URL parameters for this endpoint.

Header fields

All v4 requests require you to provide your authentication details in the header, in the following format:

Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded accountid:password>

The header also needs to include Content-Type: application/xml.


Example Header

POST /sms/v4/mt HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
Authorization: Basic VXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=


We have improved this in v4 to remove elements and attributes that are no longer needed, as well as rename some existing attributes, and add some new elements and attributes.

An example MT request, including most of the possible attributes is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mobileTerminate interaction="one-way" promotional="false">
   <options note1="My Internal ID or text 1" note2="My Internal ID or text 2" programId="1234" flash="true" />
   <destination address="12125550123" mobileOperatorId="383" />
   <source ton="3" address="222111" />
   <message type="text" mlc="segment" validityPeriod="259200">
      <content>This is a text message!</content>
   <delivery receiptRequested="final" url="" />

Response from OpenMarket

Ticket IDs are no longer included in the response body. Instead, successful MT requests include a Location in the header, where the last part of the path is the ticket ID:

Location:<ticket ID>

For example:


Note that multipart messages are identified using two ticket IDs in each part; the original ticket ID is called the Parent Ticket ID.

Accepted response

With v4, accepted responses do not have a request body. OpenMarket sends an HTTP 202 response, with an X-Request-Id and Location in the response header. The X-Request-Id identifies the request you made.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted..Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Request-Id: 001-3-72879E62-6586-4F77-9E7B-1E74386F0223
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 18:39:51 GMT
Connection: close

Rejected response

OpenMarket sends an HTTP 400-599 code for rejected requests. In the response body, an error code and description provide information about the issue. Rejected requests no longer include the resolution attribute.

The request header includes an X-Request-Id, but not a Location as no resource was created.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Request-Id: 001-1-41FE2D40-32D1-4D62-8479-42BA384C617A
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 20:58:52 GMT
Connection: close

<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<error description="Invalid request - destination address is required" code="540" />


Get Message Status (Query) requests

Key changes include:

  • This is a GET request, rather than a POST
  • For messages split into multiple parts, the response will include information about each part.

  • Returns the mobile operator ID (previously called carrier ID), if known, as well as additional data such as the delivery date.


Send your GET requests to the following URL:

Copy<ticket ID>/status

You will need to provide the ticket ID of the message, for example:


Header fields

All v4 requests require you to provide your authentication details in the header, in the following format:

Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded accountid:password>

The header also needs to include Accept: application/xml.

Authorization: Basic VXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Accept: application/xml

Accepted response

OpenMarket sends an HTTP 200 response, with the X-Request-Id and Content-Type fields in the response header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Request-Id: 001-3-72879E62-6586-4F77-9E7B-1E74386F0223
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

For multipart messages, we return the delivery status for each part in the same response. You will receive data about each part, including an individual receipt code and description, and you will also receive a summary receipt code and description. This code will help indicate the current status of the entire message:

  • Code 830, "Partial message delivery failure", means that at least one of the message parts was not successfully delivered.
  • Code 831, "Awaiting complete message delivery status", means that the mobile operator has not returned a delivery receipt for one or more of the message parts. For example, you will get this code if one message part was successfully delivered but we do not have a receipt for the second part. However, if any message part fails delivery, then code 830 is returned.

Any other code means that the result for all parts of the message is the same. For example, if it is a "success" code of 0 or 4 then all parts were successfully delivered; if it is the same code to indicate a problem then all parts experienced the same problem.

The following example request is for a single part message, and contains all the possible elements and attributes you could receive. However, note that some of these pairs are not always included in a response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Request-Id: 001-3-72879E62-6586-4F77-9E7B-1E74386F0223
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mtStatus ticketId="01111-12013-1504Y-18K6Q" deliveryDate="2015-12-01T20:04:18.000Z" code="4" description="Message delivered" mobileOperatorId="383" note1="My Internal ID or text 1" xmlns="">
   <destination mobileOperatorId="383" alpha2Code="US" address="14255550100"/>
   <source address="12345" ton="3"/>

The following example contains the possible elements and attributes you would receive for a multipart message.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Request-Id: 001-3-72879E62-6586-4F77-9E7B-1E74386F0223
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mtStatus ticketId="01111-12013-1504Z-19BLAH" totalSegments="2" note1="My Internal ID or text 1" mobileOperatorId="383" code="830" description="Partial message delivery failure" xmlns="">
   <destination mobileOperatorId="383" alpha2Code="US" address="14255550100"/>
   <source address="12345" ton="3"/>
      <segment segmentNumber="1" deliveryDate="2015-12-01T20:04:18.000Z" code="4" description="Message delivered">
      <segment segmentNumber="2" code="811" description="Message expired before it reached handset" />

You can find a full description of the returned data on the page for the operation: Get Message Status.

If your request is rejected then the body of the response will contain a code that identifies the error.

<?xml version="1.0"? encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<error code="711" description="Ticket ID not found" />


Mobile Operator Lookup (Preview) requests

The response to a Get Operator (previously Preview) request contains only information that we identified as useful for customers. This reduces the amount of data sent. There is also new information — a wireless value in the response body indicates whether the number is a mobile or landline number. This is relevant for messaging US end users.


Send your GET requests to the following URL:

Copy<phone number>

You will need to provide the phone number in an international format, that includes the country code but not a "+" character, for example:


Header fields

All v4 requests require you to provide your authentication details in the header, in the following format:

Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded accountid:password>

The header also needs to include Accept: application/xml.

Authorization: Basic VXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Accept: application/xml

Accepted response

OpenMarket sends an HTTP 200 response, with the X-Request-Id and Content-Type fields in the response header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Request-Id: 001-3-72879E62-6586-4F77-9E7B-1E74386F0223
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

The response body contains the operator lookup information. There are two child elements:

  • destination provides information about the mobile number
  • mobileOperator provides information about the operator who provides services for the mobile number
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<preview >
   <destination countryCode="44" alpha2code="GB" phoneNumber="447700900750" wireless="true" />
   <mobileOperator mobileOperatorId="474" mobileOperatorName="Three" textLength="160" binaryLength="140" unicodeLength="70" wapPush="true"/>

You can find a full description of the returned data on the page for the operation: Mobile Operator Lookup .

If your request is rejected then the body of the response will contain a code that identifies the error.

<?xml version="1.0"? encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<error code="420" description="Invalid Account ID or account password" />


Receive a Delivery Receipt

Improvements to delivery receipts are:

  • Messages split into multiple parts are easily tracked in delivery receipts. Each part of a multipart message will have a delivery receipt, with segmentNumber and totalSegments identifying the part.

  • The possible codes and IDs (response, state and reason) are reduced so that there is just one type of code.

  • The information sent in a delivery receipt and a Get Message Status response is the same for single part messages. For multipart messages, the Get Message Status response provides delivery receipt details for each part.

  • Includes the mobile operator ID, if known.

Request header

The request header includes two fields:

  • X-API-Version — Identifies that this request comes from v4 of our HTTP API.
  • Content-Type — Identifies that the request contains XML in the request body.

Example Header

User-Agent: OpenMarket
X-API-Version: 4
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 424
Connection: close

Request body

Version 4 delivery receipts have a request header and body similar to this example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<deliveryReceipt type="final" xmlns="">
   <mtStatus ticketId="01111-12013-1504Y-18K6Q" deliveryDate="2015-12-01T20:04:18.000Z" segmentNumber="1" totalSegments="2" code="4" description="Message delivered" note1="My Internal ID or text 1" note2="My Internal ID or text 2" mobileOperatorId="383" /> 
   <destination address="12125550123" mobileOperatorId="383" alpha2code="US" />
   <source ton="3"address="222111" />


Receive an SMS request

The request header includes two fields:

  • X-API-Version — Identifies that this request comes from v4 of our HTTP API.
  • Content-Type — Identifies that the request contains XML in the request body.

Example Header

User-Agent: OpenMarket
X-API-Version: 4
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 424
Connection: close

Requests have a request header and body similar to this example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mobileOriginate submittedDate="2015-12-25T06:02:18.123Z" ticketId="8514F-01278-17445-23FSJ"> 
   <source ton="1" address="12125550123" mobileOperatorId="383"/>
   <destination ton="3" address="222111" />
   <message type="hexEncodedText" udh="true" content="050003080202207468696e6b696e672061626f75742069742e" />


Response error codes

The response error codes returned with v4 differ from v3 in the following ways:

  • The code numbering has changed. For example, issues with the format or syntax of your request all use the new code 540.
  • We removed codes for attributes/elements that are not in v4.
  • We added new codes for attributes/elements that are new in v4.

You can find the list of possible error codes for each operation on the operation's page.

For delivery receipt codes, see Delivery Receipts and Response Codes.

Reports and activity search

The SMS MAR reports and activity search are the same for v4 and v3.

However, to support v4, the MAR reports and activity search includes two new charge types:

  • 33 — enterprise one-way messaging
  • 39 — enterprise two-way messaging

For US and Canada standard rate messaging, we will continue to use charge type 0.

One of the benefits of v4 is better multipart message tracking, including in the SMS activity search. Because each multipart message is given one ticket ID, when you enter the ticket ID in the activity search, we return all parts of a multipart message.